How can I help support CCI?
In the current racial climate and in light of increasing white supremacy violence, your financial support has never been more critical to our work.
Take action to address racism by financially supporting the work of Community Change. Your donations and sponsorship fund programs that educate AND organize people to both understand the nature and power of systemic racism and train and support organizing campaigns intended to address racial disparities. Historically CCI has always depended on our friends to support our work, 85% of our financial support comes from individual donors.
We are also building out a network of donors and organizations that are committed to helping underwrite our Anti Racism in the Suburbs and Confronting White Supremacy Symposium. Introductions to decision-makers at progressive foundations and organizations will strengthen our work and the entire movement.

Get Involved!

- Come to an EVENT
- For ACTION alerts, ORGANIZING against racism, and for UPDATES on programs and events, JOIN our Newsletter.
- VOLUNTEER Your time and skills at CCI programs or in the CCI office. To find out more, contact Shay Stewart-Bouley by email or call the office at 617.523.0555